Austin Blacks sign on a nutrition sponsor

Considered one of the premier rugby clubs in Texas – Austin Blacks RFC is a team to get excited about. Today, the Ruck Science team is happy to announce that the Austin Blacks rugby team will be taking advantage of our sponsorship program. The partnership is already underway, which means if you make a purchase on, you can donate to the Blacks today!

Who are the Austin Blacks?

The Austin Blacks is a men’s club that fields a team in every division of USA club rugby. This means that the Blacks accommodate players ranging from social rugby to arguably the highest level of club rugby. The Austin Blacks have a rich history in USA Rugby consistently qualifying for the Sweet 16 and Elite 8 while feeding players to the Eagles and the newly formed Pro Rugby league. The Blacks are always looking forward to working with new recruits, and they invite anyone to come out to rugby practice.

The Blacks hold open practices every Tuesday and Thursday, from 7:00-8:30 at the Austin Rugby Club fields, located at 6013 Loyola ln Austin, 78724. Fielding three different sides there is no experience necessary to get out and play for the Blacks. Rugby is a sport for all shapes and sizes.

Why the partnership?

Many players on the Austin Blacks are already using nutritional supplements to enhance their performance, reduce recovery time and perform better in the gym and on the rugby field. Ruck Science’s sponsorship program allows the Austin Blacks to gain that edge of opponents with our top of the line supplements while directly benefiting their rugby club. Up to 20% of every purchase made on using the coupon code AUSTINBLACKS will be donated directly to the Austin Rugby Club. 

Supporting the Blacks

There are two ways to do this. #1 is to make sure that when you buy something from the Ruck Science online store, you remember to tell us that you want your donation to go to the Austin Blacks. This is simpler than it sounds. During the checkout process, we’ll ask you to fill out a coupon code field with the code AUSTINBLACKS and the Blacks will receive a donation of up to 20% of the value of your order. For more about our sponsorship program checkout these materials and have a look at the clubs who are already signed up with us.

Find Austin Blacks Rugby Online

For more information about playing for or supporting the Austin Blacks Rugby, we encourage you to checkout their website and social media profiles listed below: