Ruck Science is pleased to announce a new partnership with The Bay Area Rugby Club. BARC now has full access to the Ruck Science sponsorship program and will begin receiving donations as their team and their supporters use the code BAYAREARUGBY at checkout. We’re really excited to have BARC be a part of the Ruck Science family!
You’ll get $10 off your first purchase, and you only need to use that coupon code once and a percentage of all future orders will be given to the club. If you’re interested in giving our products a shot, here’s the best way to get started:
Use that code once and 10% of all your orders will be given directly to the club. It doesn’t matter whether you buy supplements, stacks or car seat covers, the club gets 10% of everything you order.
What day is today? #bayarearugbyclub #rugby #texastens #saturdayisarugbyday
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The Bay Area Rugby Club was established in 1974 by three men and it wasn’t until 1976 that BARC actually fielded a team. Over the years they have grown in members and reputation and are a respected member of the Texas Union Community.
BARC is located in the Bay Area (Clear Lake, League City, Webster, Pasadena, Seabrook and a few other small suburbs) just SE of Houston, some would also call it the NASA area. They have around 35 members and currently play Dill Texas Union.
They are very active in the Lone Star Tournament and have hosted it several times. They offer free clinics and weekend camps for youth, the most recent was a “Rookie Rugby Camp” that was held on November 4th in conjunction with the Lone Star Tournament. It was free for kids ages 5-14 and they had a great turnout. They have also helped start a women’s team with Bay Area Rugby Club.
Check out BARC In Action Against HURT2 2/3/18
We design & manufacture premium nutritional supplements specifically for the rugby community. Our range of supplements can help professional and amateur rugby players alike to perform, recover and live better.
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