The energy and recovery demands of modern rugby make targeted nutrition essential. This archive has all our best recipes for smoothies, pre-game meals and more. Check out the piece on different ways to use the whey protein.


Brandon Lee

Back to the Basics

The truth is that healthy eating doesn’t need to be complicated. You don’t even have to follow a strict diet. All you need to do is adhere to a few fundamental principles. In this article, we outline the basics of good nutrition. Use this information to develop a personalized, sustainable healthy eating plan.

smoothie recipes for after rugby games
Training Team

Smoothie recipes for after rugby games

what you consume immediately after your rugby game can have a big impact on your rate of recovery. Don’t miss this window! Try one of our smoothie recipes, designed specifically for use after rugby games and training. Get the protein you need and the electrolytes your body craves with these smoothie recipes.

using post rugby in your after match smoothies
Training Team

4 ways to use post-rugby in your smoothies

Post-Rugby facilitates recovery from a variety of angles. We designed this post-rugby supplement to be packed with electrolytes, creatine and BCAAs. Here are our top 4 ways to use Post-Rugby in your after rugby smoothie recipes.

unknown rugby whey recipes
Patrick Dale

Six rugby whey recipes you probably haven’t thought of

Not sure how to mix our rugby-focused whey protein into a smoothie or baked goods? Here are six rugby whey recipes you probably haven’t thought of. They can be used in pre and post rugby smoothies recipes during the season.

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