Scrum Camp Part III – Finesse
In the third and final session of Scrum Camp, we are going to move from the technical and get more into the finesse of scrummaging.
The scrum has changed a lot over the past two decades. It’s now an incredibly important part of overall game strategy and real-time tactics on the rugby field. How do you secure possession at scrum time? Follow this series to get your team prepared.
In the third and final session of Scrum Camp, we are going to move from the technical and get more into the finesse of scrummaging.
You’ve reached Day 2 of your club’s annual scrum camp. In this section, we’ll cover technique, instruction and how to challenge your players to create leverage at scrum time. Big thanks to Carrick Pell for his help in programming Day 2.
Summer scrum camps are the best way to develop technical knowledge across your entire forward pack. Get ready to Crouch, Bind and Set as Clarke Cayton walks us through Day 1 of summer scrum camp.
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