Today on, the Ruck Science team announced the launch of a new bulk order program that is designed to help amateur rugby clubs in Texas (and across the US) earn even greater revenue by partnering with us.
The company’s current sponsorship program is a simple percentage-based donation model. It allows every customer on to donate 10% of their order to the rugby club of their choice. This process is automated through the Ruck Science website. During the checkout process, each customer is asked to enter the name of their rugby club. On the 15th of each month, Ruck Science tallies up the donations made in each club’s name and sends out PayPal payments directly to the clubs.
The big selling point of the program is that there’s no effort required on the part of each club’s administration. There is no requirement to sign a contract, pay for products up front, stock products or complete any order fulfillment. For those rugby clubs whose management team is already stretched thin, this is a simple way to create recurring revenue without lifting a finger. All clubs need to do is tell their members, friends and family about the program and Ruck Science does the rest.
The new bulk order program will launch on May 1st and is designed to give those clubs with active fundraising programs a way to maximize their income potential. The standard sponsorship program requires little to no effort and earns clubs 10% of the value of each order. The bulk order program will increase donations up to 15% for all orders over $150. And up to 20% for all orders over $300. These donation percentages will be reviewed in July and may be subject to increase depending on the success of the bulk order program.
We understand that amateur rugby clubs are looking for ways to leverage their buying power and earn passive revenue from purchases by members. For rugby clubs or groups of players who are willing to organize, the bulk order program can provide greater revenue potential and more incentive to work with Ruck Science.
The best way to utilize the bulk order program will be to get a group of rugby players together at your club and place a group order through The warehouse will fulfill your order, sending everything to one location and on the 15th of the next month your donation will be sent via PayPal just as it is now.
Bulk orders cannot be used in conjunction with promotions, coupons or short-term deals. Since the bulk order program is designed to be used together by groups of players, we ask that customers save their coupons for individual orders.
If you have any comments or questions about the bulk order program, please contact our sales team via email;
Ruck Science is a performance nutrition company that specializes in nutrition for rugby. Through, they offer rugby players a range of supplements and stacks. To help support grassroots rugby, a portion of every purchase is donated back to local rugby clubs. Click here for more information about the sponsorship program.
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