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As a staging-rucksciencecom.kinsta.cloud member, you have unlimited access to the .PDF version of our rugby 7s strength/speed program.
To exploit the extra space on a rugby 7s field, players need to be fast. Unlike the 15-a-side game, in rugby 7s, it’s quite common to see players running from one end of the pitch to the other to score a try.
There is much less of a divide between forwards and backs in rugby 7s, and scrums and lineouts are not contested the same way. The same is true of rucks and mauls. This tends to favor lighter, more athletic players and carthorse front row forwards will find rugby 7s very hard indeed! As a rule, rugby 7s players tend to be leaner and more agile than their 15-a-side counterparts – think 100-meter sprinter rather than hammer thrower!
With all this in mind, this program is designed to increase your speed and speed endurance, strength, and power as well as aerobic fitness which, in turn, will improve aerobic fitness by default. These attributes will ensure you have the staying power to play at the highest levels for the full 14 minutes per game and have the speed necessary to make the most of all that extra space.
We’ve turned every program on staging-rucksciencecom.kinsta.cloud into an interactive mobile experience. That’s right, our new rugby training app is now in the iOS and Android stores. Download to your chosen device to get started creating an account today.
This week is about introducing the workouts. Leave a little in the tank on each exercise so you have somewhere to go over the following weeks. E.g. using a notional scale of 1-10, only work to an intensity level of around 7-8/10. Each workout should feel demanding but not ultra-intense.
Monday: Speed and conditioning
On a rugby pitch – progressively lengthening sprints
Tuesday: Full body strength
The Week 1 – Block 1 program is continued in the full eBook – download strength and speed for rugby 7s now to get the full content.
This eBook has a whole range of training programs designed to help you develop strength and speed for rugby 7s season. But there’s a lot more to being a good sevens player than just those two metrics. Inside our blog, you’ll find articles covering topics as diverse as possession stats and as simple as how to structure your diet during a tournament. There’s also some stuff in there about raw strength training for the off season which might prove useful.
Rugby 7s tournaments are unique animals. Few other sports require the same repetition of maximal cardiovascular output multiple times through a day or a weekend. That means you need to be able to get up physically for the contest, but also be able to do this 4 or 5 times. It’s for this reason that we recommend you stay away from caffeine-based pre-workouts during rugby 7s.
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