stretch watching television
Training Team

Can you improve flexibility while watching TV?

It’s not always possible to get to the gym. Sometimes you’re babysitting. Here’s a formula for improving your flexibility while watching TV with the kids.

smoothie recipes for after rugby games
Training Team

Smoothie recipes for after rugby games

what you consume immediately after your rugby game can have a big impact on your rate of recovery. Don’t miss this window! Try one of our smoothie recipes, designed specifically for use after rugby games and training. Get the protein you need and the electrolytes your body craves with these smoothie recipes.

lineout explosion drills
Training Team

Explosion drills for lineout jumpers

The winner of the lineout is often the team with the fastest, highest jumpers. Here is a compilation of the 10 best explosion drills for lineout jumping. Get out there and start jumping higher, you’ll win more ball and your lifters will thank you.

Bodyweight training for in-season strength maintenance
Patrick Dale

Bodyweight training for in-season strength maintenance

Research suggests that just one or two workouts per week can maintain strength and power during the in-season rugby training period. During this time, you’ve also got rugby training, games and recovery sessions, so it’s critical to tailor in-season training maintaining strength.

gymnastic strength training for rugby
Tim Howard

Gymnastic strength training for rugby players

How can you use gymnastic strength training to become a better rugby player? Our training team explains the relationship between rugby and gymnastics. Especially for older rugby players, the gymnastic focus on flexibility and mobility can help you prolong your rugby career.

building a crazy cardio base
Training Team

Building a crazy cardio-base without running

How do you build a cardio base for rugby season without running? It comes down to exercise selection. The #1 thing you want to do is avoid injury. So we recommend eliminating impact in your cardio training by jumping in the pool, on the bike or the rowing machine this pre-season.

Five otc supplements every rugby player needs
Patrick Dale

Five over the counter (OTC) supplements every rugger needs

Can you get a performance boost from the grocery store? Supplements can be an incredibly powerful way to improve your rugby performance. But you don’t need to spend a zillion $$$. Try these five over the counter supplements every rugby player needs in their kit bag.

cardio for rugby players
Tim Howard

How much cardio do rugby players really need?

How much cardio do rugby players need? The answer is it depends on your levels of fitness, position and goals for the upcoming season. But in general terms, you probably want to have a higher cardio base than you have now. Here’s how to get that cardio.

using post rugby in your after match smoothies
Training Team

4 ways to use post-rugby in your smoothies

Post-Rugby facilitates recovery from a variety of angles. We designed this post-rugby supplement to be packed with electrolytes, creatine and BCAAs. Here are our top 4 ways to use Post-Rugby in your after rugby smoothie recipes.

OTC supplements for cognitive function
Tim Howard

OTC supplements for cognitive function gains

Our team is deeply committed to creating supplements and stacks that provide cognitive gains for rugby players at training and during games. But you don’t have to rely on staging-rucksciencecom.kinsta.cloud for all your supplements. There is some create stuff you can get over the counter. Try these options!

Learn how to play rugby

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Don’t forget, some of the best content on staging-rucksciencecom.kinsta.cloud is available for free in the programs section of our website. There, you’ll find dozens of eBooks that can help you in your life-long journey to learn rugby. There’s something for everyone, whether you’re coming from a point of significant knowledge or whether you’ve only just started learning how to play rugby.

Still can’t find the right rugby blog?

We’ve done our best to compile the most comprehensive library of programs possible. But there’s every chance we missed something. Would a particular blog topic help you to learn rugby faster? Would a new eBook give you the info you need to train more effectively? Then we want to hear about it! Get in touch with our content team here and you’ll also receive a special gift to redeem on our website.